Engineering Blog

This is a blog about software engineering, web development, and anything else I find interesting.

#testing#gitops#kubernetes#nextjs#ssg#javascript#k3s#raspberry pi#bare-metal#linux#tracing#event-driven architecture#go#openapi#api#sdl#development-tools#optimization

Blog Posts

The Forgotten Kubernetes Probes: Understanding Startup Probes and Their Importance

The Forgotten Kubernetes Probes: Understanding Startup Probes and Their Importance

May 28 2024

While liveness and readiness probes are widely discussed, startup probes are equally crucial, particularly for applications with significant initialization times. This article delves into startup probes, explaining their purpose, configuration, and common practices.

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Design-First Approach with OpenAPI

Design-First Approach with OpenAPI

May 12 2024

Explore why a shift from code annotations to plain OpenAPI Specification (OAS) enhances API design and development processes.

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ArgoCD Preview Environments

ArgoCD Preview Environments

March 10 2024

ArgoCD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.

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Loosely coupled Micro-services with Distributed Application Runtime(DAPR)

Loosely coupled Micro-services with Distributed Application Runtime(DAPR)

April 09 2022

Distributed Application Runtime is a great way to decouple application's specific logic from operational distributed messaging

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NextJS Static Site Generator(SSG)

NextJS Static Site Generator(SSG)

January 29 2022

In this tutorial I want to cover how powerful raw HTML and Javascript could be, and how they could improve the speed of your website

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A/B Testing with NGINX

A/B Testing with NGINX

December 11 2021

Many companies don't release a newer version of their product to customers before they are 100% sure that the newer version with all of its features works properly

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Infrastructure as Data

Infrastructure as Data

December 04 2021

Infrastructure as Data (IaD) isn't a new concept, it just gain a bit more popularity and attention since Kubernetes and Serverless started to appear

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Debugging running processes with strace and ptrace

Debugging running processes with strace and ptrace

November 27 2021

In this article I want to explain / summarize how light weight and yet powerful tools like strace and ptrace are...

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Build your own Kubernetes Cluster with K3S

Build your own Kubernetes Cluster with K3S

June 19 2020

Creating your own kubernetes cluster on raspberry pi doesn't take much effort and it was a fun experience...

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Kubernetes for local development with Kubernetes in Docker(KinD)

Kubernetes for local development with Kubernetes in Docker(KinD)

April 19 2020

In this short tutorial we're going to create 3 node cluster with a Metal LB deployed so we can test our services locally...

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